Garizon Blockchain_Branding and Identity

The Garizon project encapsulates the creation of a unique brand identity for an innovative blockchain company disrupting the entertainemnt industry. Our strategy centered around the seamless fusion of high-tech aesthetics with playful, accessible elements, representing Garizon's ethos of blending advanced blockchain tech with the vibrant world of music and events. From fascilitating songs as NFTs to transforming ticketing experiences, the brand direction envisions Garizon's revolutionary mission, resulting in a brand that's both tech-forward and engaging in a pop-culture centric market.

Client: Garizon Blockchain

Creative Director: Jason Forrest Hogg

Design and Animation: Jason Forrest Hogg

CMO: Damien Zwarich

Studio: ForrestHogg








Design Strategy

Navigating the intersection of high-tech sophistication and playful accessibility, we crafted Garizon's branding to mirror its ethos.

Every great brand begins with a strategy, a roadmap that guides all creative endeavors. For Garizon, our strategy was carved from a deep understanding of the entertainment world's nuances and the transformative power of blockchain. Our approach was holistic, diving into Garizon's aspirations, target audience behaviors, and the industry's competitive landscape. This allowed us to envision a brand that was not just trendy but also timeless, catering to both tech enthusiasts and entertainment aficionados.






Logo Design

An emblem of fusion and foresight, the Garizon logo tells a tale of technology and entertainment converging in crystalline clarity.

At the heart of Garizon's brand lies its emblematic logo. Six crystal blocks, meticulously arranged, come together to symbolize the multifaceted nature of both blockchain technology and the entertainment realm. Each block, reminiscent of a crystal's clarity and structure, captures the precision and transparency that blockchain brings, while the collective assembly resonates with the collaborative spirit of the entertainment industry. Together, these elements craft a logo that's as intriguing in its design as it is in its meaning, seamlessly representing Garizon's mission of bridging technology with entertainment.





Brand Anthem

Capturing the essence of Garizon's ethos, the brand anthem resonates as a harmonious blend of tech innovation and entertainment passion.

Every brand has a voice, a rhythm, and a story to tell. Garizon's brand anthem is a symphony of its core values, mission, and vision. By crafting a narrative that celebrates the fusion of cutting-edge technology with the effervescence of entertainment, the anthem resonates deeply with its audience. It's more than just words; it's Garizon's heart and soul, capturing the emotions, aspirations, and dreams of a generation eager to redefine the boundaries of entertainment through blockchain.





Visual Identity System

Garizon's visual identity system weaves together the intricate dance of tech precision and vibrant entertainment, ensuring a consistent and captivating brand presence.

Visual consistency is paramount for brand recognition. Our visual identity system for Garizon is a comprehensive toolkit, defining everything from typography and color palettes to imagery and iconography. The system ensures that regardless of where Garizon appears – be it a digital platform, a concert venue, or a tech summit – it does so with an unwavering voice and aesthetic. By blending sleek tech visuals with vivacious entertainment graphics, we've ensured that Garizon's identity remains both dynamic and cohesive.







( Hello )
This is the work of designer / director Jason Forrest.


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Los Angeles, CA

All images on this site are Copyright © ForrestHogg, Inc. or their respective copyright holders. Do not use without permission.

All images on this site are Copyright © ForrestHogg, Inc. or their respective copyright holders. Do not use without permission.