Penny Dreadful is the Victorian horror series on Showtime that combines characters from Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker and others. I was tasked to art direct a wide range of promotional material for the broadcast presence of the premiere season of the series.
Just Like You, the launch spot promo for the series premiere.
Devil in the Details promo for Showtime.
Countdowns until the premiere.
I was incredibly honored to have been able to pitch on the open title sequence pitch for the film X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Three concepts depicting the core powers of Jean Gray the Phoenix, a powerful being who derived her powers from a star. Although the studio went in a different direction, the entire process was a pleasure and a learning experience.
Promotional tease for Showtime's Penny Dreadful.
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This is the work of designer / director Jason Forrest.
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Los Angeles, CA